The happening happening on thursday
Ok who wants to watch it on thursday night at suntec ? gimme names on tagboard. Pay me on wednesday night or i wun book online for you.
10:10 PM
MPFC 7 - 4 Sam's friend team
Today was a good game because it was free flowing. We attack, then defend and counter attack again. Rememeber this feeling because it will be our playing philiosophy. we don't play to draw or waste time. We play to score goals !
Pictures from today's match : Lacking due to the rain

le sulk

post match ba long long

Jasper : how i wish i have someone to hug me, sigh, maybe tom will do

danny on fire

over exposure

raiyan drenched with you know what
BBQ the night before at dustbin, some were suffering from hangovers and MIA-ed today !

look how happy the girls were

shank have a good time

danny is the naked chief
3:18 PM