Do You Want to Play?
CAll Now!!!
Time: 4pm-6pm
Total Price : $50
Price for Each Person: $4(thats is if
total number of ppl going is 12)
Time to meet: 3pm
Place to meet: Roundtable
Team List: ~4 People to a team~
Jasper's Friend( 1 Team)
Shank's Friends ( 1 Team)
Note To Late Comers: If By 3.10 ur not at the roundtabe we will leave without you. If ur going there yourself Plz infrom shank or mark before hand

12:47 AM

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Marine Parade Football Club!

  1. By tradition, a girl standing under Marine Parade Football Club cannot refuse to be kissed by anyone who claims the privilege.
  2. Marine Parade Football Club can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid.
  3. The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on Marine Parade Football Club!
  4. The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in Marine Parade Football Club!
  5. The average duration of sexual intercourse for Marine Parade Football Club is two minutes!
  6. Marine Parade Football Club never said 'Play it again, Sam'!
  7. Pacman was originally called Marine Parade Football Cluman!
  8. Marine Parade Football Club are actually a fruit, not a vegetable!
  9. In 1982 Time Magazine named Marine Parade Football Club its 'Man of the Year'.
  10. The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed Marine Parade Football Club would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used them to decorate their battle shields.
I am interested in - do tell me about

Read points 5 and 6.

11:03 AM

The next level.

is it possible to play in a saturday league or competition? some of us probably thought of that before.. captain voiced this out too.. "meaningless" to play friendies weekly.. i tink the cost should be affordable since we pay $90 for every match.. and yea.. match reports on competitive matches are more purposeful.. right now i've no more will to do reports on friendly matches.. nvm if we lose or wat, we'll enjoy the challenge and experience. what are your views?


9:33 PM
