Match report.

So this week up against some Malay chaps and we lost 4-1. Here is the report.

1st Half

Did well and had lots of movement. Couldnt finish off the chances and were restricted to very few chances.

2nd Half

Crumbled totally after the team made 3 glaring mistakes. Pulled back 1 consolation but otherwise a poor 2nd half display.

Match Ratings

1. Firdadus [GK] (7/10)- Made some quality saves and had quite a good game.

2. Danny [DR] (7/10)- Showed good committment for the team and was involved in the game on the whole.

3. Varun [DL] (6/10)- Made a few errors and sometimes out-muscled by the stronger chaps.

4. Adrian [DC] (7/10)- Showed the normal leadership qualities and was solid.

5. Mark [DC] ( 6/10)- Totally lost in the second half and responsible for the three second half goals.

6. OP [RM] (6.5/10)- Had a good game except the second half when he looked a bit lost in defence.

7. Nigel [LM] (6/10)- Had a Dr J/Mr H performance but showed determination.

8. Guang [CM] (7.5/10)- Gung-ho in midfield and was hard-working. Pity a nasty tackle forced him to sub out.

9. Ravin [CM] (8/10)- Perhaps the best performer for the team and the lone goal scorer. Worked extremely hard to recover lost balls and sparked most of the attacks.

10. Daniel G [FW] (6.5/10)- Not at his peak form and could have done much better. Still managed a trick or 2.

11. Muhsin [FW] (6/10)- Chased a few balls and was involved in some tussles, but otherwise very quiet.

12. Tom [FW] (6/10)- Couldnt out-muscle anybody and was a little disappointing.

13. Shawn [RM] (5.5/10)- Didnt do much beacause the ball didnt arrive at his feet much.

14. Shank [RM] (6.5/10)- Couldnt see much of the ball and was running more than kicking the ball, like most of the team.

So that's all chaps. Happy New Year and for those who have school, please smile.

We miss school too ok.

11:00 PM

Match !!


Playing Againest : Nigel's Friends

Match Time :9.45AM


Venue : Fowlie Primary .

Place To Meet: Badmintion Court

Time To Meet : 9AM

Jersey To Wear : Away(red)~due to large request~


Attendence so far :


{ We ARE having an early kick-off coz some of them need to go off early so the match is at 9.45am }

~Yours Sincerely~

2:45 AM


Siloso Beach Party - Asia's Grooviest

Dates : 31 Dec 2006 to 1 Jan 2007

Place : Sentosa, Siloso Beach

Time: 8pm

Event Ticketing:

S$14 Islander Special from 15 Nov to 30 Dec, * onlyTickets include Event admission and 1 complimentary drink. Island admission and transport payable separately for non-islander members. Each Islander is entitled to purchase a maximum of 5 tickets at special price.

S$20 Pre-sale from 15 Nov to 30 Dec, available at Sentosa ticketing counters and all AXS Stations* Tickets include Island admission, Event admission and 1 complimentary drink.

S$29 Event Sale on 31 Dec at Sentosa ticketing counters. Tickets include Event admission and 1 complimentary drink.

Description: Sentosa and MTV presents Asia's Grooviest beach party this New Year's Eve! Siloso Beach will be transformed into a big dance floor with a combination of dry and wet zones with food & beverage outlets in easy reach. Enigmatic 'spin doctors' will pump out non-stop dance music to whet the different musical appetites. Hip Hop, R&B, Funk, Retro, World music, Latin, Trance & Chill Out, Progressive & House music will enthrall party goers along with special appearances by MTV VJs

~All Ticket Holders Must Be 17 years and above~

9:41 PM

Match Report 4:1 Win

Match Report by: OP-Chongyi-23

woooots. started with this formation.






>conceded 1 goal thru opponent's corner. 1-0 down.

>mussain made an immediate impact upon coming on by scoring with a fantastic weighted 'lob' over the keeper. 1-1.

Other highlights of the 1st half :
-samuel making a few runs at the opponent's defence and threatening.
-quite half fight, really.
-lots of swear words flying around.

2nd half formation





>Samuel scored[i forgot how]! 2-1 Up.

>Opponents hit the crossbar. Our heart stopped for a moment.

>Shank saved our a**es when he cleared the ball off the line direct from the opponent's corner.

>Mussain scored! 3-1 Up.

>Samuel scored with an accurate shot which rebounded off the upright into goal. 4-1!

Other highlights of the 2nd half :
-Corner, Adrian almost fired us into the lead but miss from 10yards. Nice try.
-Chongyi, me, nutmeg the unlucky opponent's left back and sprint towards goal. Square the ball to Mussain but it didnt connect.
-Danny getting injured. Great contribution bro.
-MPFC defending fairly well. Kept the ball well.
-Seriously can't remember much.
-Shawn getting 'booked' for swearing from the bench.
-Tom dribbling himself. Just Kidding! x)

Well done MPFC. we gave our all and got what we deserve.
Our strikers did their job by scoring.
Midfielders did theirs by tracking back and supporting the attack.
Defenders were solid.(almost)
Goalkeeper had not much to do compared to the opponent's keeper.(who also received a kung-fu kick courtesy of Mussain which Cantona would be proud of.)

Man of the match: Everyone. Seriously, everyone deserve it. Cheers.

::The Rating System[/10]::

Firdaus-[GK]-[7.5]- Not really much to do. But didnt disappoint when needed.

Nigel-[LB]-[7]- Pretty composed in defence. Great stamina improvement over the months.

Adrian[capt.]-[CB]-[8]- As usual, an class act. Hahaha. Deal with high balls well. Commands the defence. -0.5 for the 10yard miss x)

Danny-[CB]-[7.5]- Occasional mistakes but makes up for them with his no-nonsense and determined defending. Wish you a speedy recovery from your knock.

Chongyi-[RB/RM]-[7.5]- Had a good game with good covering and good
tackling at times. A good afternoon overall, many assists and a high work rate. -courtesy of shank.

Varun-[LM]-[6]- Still lost at times. But improved.

Ravin-[CM]-[8.5]- One of our key players. Too bad he's "on-loan". Well-timed his tackles. Should stop dribbling inside our penalty box though.

Lupin-[CM]-[6]- Overall he didnt make any mistakes or impact. =)

Shawn-[RM]-[6.5]- Can see that he's trying his best to help the team by always tracking back.

Samuel-[CF]-[8.5]- Did his job as a striker. Tracked back often during the 2nd half and spur the team on with his motivational and inspiring words. Lol. Scored 2 goals. Threaten the opponents with his pace. Good partnership with Mussain.

Daniel Guo-[CF/CM]-[5.5]- A shadow of the player he was last week. But we all expect good players to bounce back yea? Did a "strip" show after the match to confirm that something's just not right with him today.


Mussain-[RM/CF]-[9]- Equalised for the team almost immediately when coming on. Go in hard for tackles(that's the way). Speed is his game. 2 Goals.

Tom-[RM]-[?]- Too brief to rate.

Shank-[RB]-[7]- Came on during the 2nd half and did well. Know who to pass the ball to and didnt put the team under pressure with any miskicks.

RaiYan-[LM]-[?-1]- Too brief to rate. -1 for the howler which almost let the opponent equalise. Good experience mate.

Bryan-[LB]-[7]- Use his strength to good use. Example he shield the ball from 2 opponents before clearing it. That's why he's nicknamed the bull dozer xP
Till the next game. Rest well! Train hard. Reflect on how to improve. Thanks to the organisers for this match and everyone who represented the team.

5:09 AM

Match against Shank friend's team

Result : won 4-1

media from the match. ( someone do the rating and review pls )

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bus stop

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gay again

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super gay not for the faint hearted. wat's raiyan doing ?

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laksa 328 !

Lots of ugly things happen after the match. like scrathing ass and stripping to undies.

2:25 PM

GUYS!danny and I are proposing another gathering to u guys n would like to hear ur suggestions...

so we planned to go some underage parties either on the x'mas eve or the new year's eve...danny is checking out the tickets n stuff currently and we would like to hear ur suggestions...anyway those under 16 may skip this post(tom,!)...

its still quite early but we hope to get ur reply asap!
most prob x'mas parties....

have fun!

signing out,

11:43 PM

MPFC outing

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day was spent at LAN , parkway arcade, KFC and lastly Frisbee. photos of MPBC Marine parade bubble club

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9:39 PM

Match against the refugees

Lost 3-0 but that's the kind of team we should be up against.

Let's bring mpfc to gear 2 !

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i call this getting gay with the ref


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6:18 PM

Match against THE FUGEES ( sam's friend team )

Match against THE FUGEES ( sam's friend team )


Date: 16/12/06 (saturday)

Venue : Most probably field at fowlie primary . Kick off at 10am

Meeting place : 9 am at badminton court. No one is to be late . especially group leaders since they need to account for who is present and absent. We'll leave by 9.15. if late, go yourself.

Note that late comers will definetly not be the starting line-up

Wear : White jersey

Fee: pay $5 before hand. any excess fund will be declared quarterly at the blog.

Shank pls call the referee and person in charge of the field to liais. ( i made an sms already )

Group leaders (nigel, firadus, danny,bryan) : Call ur group

Attendence so far

lun pin
tik koon

1:34 AM

So a big win for MPFC. 7-3 was quite a good scoreline to say the best lah. Its not 8 as Samuel stated cause the scorers are as follows : Guo -3, Muhsin -2, Jasper and Samuel -1 each.

Match review then. As we know, this was a match that invoked a strong sense of revenge, having lost 6-4 to the same opponents before. The mentality was there and the players were pumped up for the match. Payback was inevitable.

The whole team did well today. That is the truth because we all saw the likes of Shawn and Varun working harder than usual to cover ground. Maybe it was the threat issued by Samuel before the match but the work rate today was unusually high.

Formations Used

1st Half : 4-4-2
2nd half : 3-5-2


Defence today was led by Mark with Nigel, Varun and Nadhir. The defence was make-shift and was under a new leader for the first time. Playing with a flat back four, the defence morphed into a 5 man defence with 2 wing backs in the second half. This was a double-sided move for it increased the number of defenders but also confused the defence about roles and responsibilities.

Without the usual Adrian in command, the defence looked lost at times and needed some tactical help especially in the second half after the transformation of the formation.


The midfield was the engine of the win. Working hard to regain lost balls and pushing forwards, the midfield looked comfortable and had a large amount of space to work in, unlike previous matches. With Sam and Muhsin dropping back to help, our midfield was working extra hard.

In the second half, the three man midfield was blowing hot and cold, with the midfield sometimes looking vulnerable and other times proving to be a tough nut to crack. Our play was narrow in the 2nd half cause of the three man midfield yet effective.


A definite force to be reckoned with. Speed and accuracy was essential for goals and our 2 powerhouse forwards had the power to create and score. As for speed, Muhsin outpaced most of the defence and Sam's running and jinking was a pain in the A** for the opponent.


1. Firdaus ( 8/10 ) - Mr. Safe-Hands here had a
not-so-hectic afternoon and was decisive when going out for air balls. Had a
good afternoon if not for the 3 goals conceded due to errors in defence. Had a
clear mind this afternoon and was up for all the challenges. Made a couple of
good saves.

2. Nigel ( 7.5/10 ) - Was a force in defence, attacking
and defending at the same time. Made use of his body to regain possession and battled his way through the opponents. Had a very decisive game although got scolded near the end for conceding possession cheaply.

3. Varun ( 7/10 ) - Was focused in defending although at times
needed the extra reminders but fitted in quite well considering it's his first time at LB. Best moment? When he tackled Shank. That just summed up his day.

4. Mark( 7.5/10 ) - Kept the strikers at bay with plenty of good
clearances and good tackles, a pity a minute mistouch led to a soft goal. If not for that? A pretty solid game with many clear headed decisions taken. {love, Guo}

5. Nadhir ( 7/10 ) - Had a good game with good covering and good
tackling at times. A good afternoon overall, suspect was the oxygen at half-time.

6. Shawn ( 7.5/10 ) - 1 assist and a higher-than-usual workrate.
His best match to date and could be a proven back-up for OP in case OP MIA again. Needs to work on speed reaction but other than that not bad for him.

7. Jasper ( 7.5/10 ) - The versatile midfielder who was hard
working for the lost balls today. Had a good game and rounded off his
performance with a goal. Showed some good turns and some good tackling.

8. Jia Ming ( 7/10 ) - A good display of both attacking and
defending qualities and proved to be capable of fitting in. Had a good game in the middle of the park.

9. Daniel G ( 8.5/10 ) - Was easily the best performer for MPFC.
Trickery was everywhere and he had the cheek to score 1 goal from some way out. Ended the game with a hat-trick and was very prominient in most of the attacks.

10. Samuel ( 8/10 ) - Versatile and the stand-in leader for the
match. Engaged most of the opponents with his runs and turns. Ended the game with 1 goal and turned CM for the later part of the game.

11. Muhsin ( 8.5/10 ) - Out-paced the defence for like the whole
match and was a very slippery customer. 2 goals and could had even more. Overall, was the key to finishing off chances. Did not disappoint much.


12. Bryan ( 7/10 ) - The third man in defence for the second-half,
he was effective in stopping attacks and contributed to keep the score down.

13. Lunpin ( 7.5/10 ) - Had a very good game and was darting down
the left wing constantly to support the attack and defence. Put in a steady
performance for today's game.

14. Tom ( 6.5/10 ) - Had a quiet game. Could not display the usual
skills probably cause he was out of position. Overall, a good learning
experience for the youngster.

15. Daniel Phua ( 6.5/10 ) - Came on during the last few moments
of the game and like Tom, could not have enough time to show any brilliance in
the match.


So a win and sweet revenge. Good job people. Samuel said we might be having a match with McLucky next Saturday so just kind of remember it. Good job for this week and we all deserve a night of celebration and rest after that match.

Cheers to all who were involved in the match and to other teammates reading this. MPFC won, not individuals.


8:01 PM

Match against Shank friend

Scoreline 8-3

Media from the match ( courtesy of yi quan as photographer )

Pre match warm up and talk cock

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yap, tat's the foreign talent grazing the grass and painting the field at the last minute

TEAM photos

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another one

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and another one with arms folded ( standard soccer team pose )
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and the leaving for kick off photo

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substitutes shy away from camera

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team talk

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lecturing future talents

6:27 PM

Match on 09/12/06


Wear : white
Venue : near haig boys ( ATTN : NOT FOWLIE )
Meeting place : 1.30 sharp at badminton court
Bring : urself and at least $5. of cos ur gear as well


The team will now operate as below


Captain : adrian
Vice : shank
Treasurer : Mark

Group A

Nigel ( Leader )
Daneil Guo

Group B

Firdaus ( Leader )

Group C

Daniel Tan ( Leader )
Yi Quan
Yi Quan's brother

Group D

Bryan ( Leader )
Tik Koon
Daniel Phua

The leaders will pass instruction from the exco on to everyone . and anything u wanna ask about the match ask ur group leaders.

Let's hope things will operate more efficently now.

9:38 PM


hey, i think generally , the organisation of MPFC have to improve if u all want to have more field matches, more exposures, more opportunties.

The following will show some appointments that i hope you guys will volunteer for so that this team will operate more efficently. It's democratic and i think everyone have a part to play. ( in army terms, if u dun wan tio arrow , u arrow urself first )

Captain ( inform group leaders on upcoming matches and of cos perform pre match morale booast talks and AFTER ACTION REVIEW) : Adrian ( fixed )

Vice captain ( coordinate admin matters. like finding details on how to get to match location, liasing with the opponent , booking of field , referees. In other words, all things admin) :
nominated : Shank

Treasurer ( handle money matters. Like collecting money from the team for payment for the field, referee, jerseys , misc .. etc):
nominated : "?" (not one confident to handle $$$ ?)

Group leaders ( in charge of disseminating instructions from captain regarding matches) :
nominated : Mark , Firadus, Daniel, guang

Media coordinator ( sounds nice but actually a camera-man if u like to post on this blog and maintain it, take pictures during matches, interview players, post upcoming match details, talk cock ...etc OF COS that doesn't mean u'll always be on the substitute bench. that's why there's 2 up for grabs)
nominated : OP, ?

This may sound trivial but it will generally make the whole MPFC experience more fullfilling and enjoyable. Otherwise, things will just remain stagnant. So come on ! show some enthusiasm and liven up the tagboard. ( be it ur just some unknown cock sucker who likes to imitate our teammates' names ! we still enjoy ur company at the tagboard ! )

Let a new chapter begin now !

11:48 PM

11:48 PM

Jersey issue

Personally i think the jersey issue is draggin too long and i doubt the sincerity of the other party. If we really want that away jersey , why not we do it ourselves ? since many of us are having holidays now , let's go to queensway someday ?

BTW, interested in playing mclucky fc. shank if u can book field inform me then i inform the opponent.


1:33 PM

Ok, so 1 week ago we got a taste of how defeat feels like. Defeat is an understatement actually.

Final score is n( 4-1 ), where n = an integer.

So the match did provide a few glimpses of brilliances

1. Guang is really the indispensable player. Tireless and saving our ass from a rugby score.
2. Tik Koon was not bad in LB but has to watch the line at times.
3. Tom showed 1 spark of brilliance, proving that he is an upcoming star.

As for the rest of the team, we lost as a team. No finger pointing so let's move on and concentrate on the next match.

Happy Holidays.

10:12 AM
